alternative occasions
barry’s bio
Work still in progress -

They say that photographers never retire - they just stop getting paid for what they’re doing…… That’s probably true. This has been my business website and I’m leaving it up because there are many photos here of which I’m quite proud and I don’t really have anywhere else to display them.
I’ve always been interested in the spirit of the place and of the occasion - whatever that has been. One recent exploration was the Malton Project, which has it’s own page on this site. Another project was a book entitled A Touch of Scouse, which has it’s own website which you’re more than welcome to take a look at. It’s a celebration of the people and places of Merseyside, which is my original stomping ground and the place that I call home. Since moving to Wales, I’ve expanded the site to include new work, all of which is available to purchase.
I’ve parked several collections of photos that I think of as wall art at another website called Art Photo Gallery, which you might enjoy browsing, and there’s a more light-hearted site of Merseyside photos called Merseyside Life that’s worth a view. Thank you for visiting this site and for reading this - If you have any thoughts, ideas or projects related to photography that you’d like to have a chat about, do get in touch. You can email me here - it would be great to hear from you.
Barry Male